About me
Hi! I am Aochen Jiao, currently a research assistant at City University of Hong Kong, where I am supervised by Prof. Weitao Xu and Prof. Shengdong Zhao. Prior to that, I obtained my Master's degree from UCLA and Bachelor's degree from Tongji University.
My research interests lie in the intersection of HCI, ubiquitous computing and AR/VR, with a particular focus on enhancing human natural interaction capabilities through innovative wearable technologies. Outside the lab, I enjoy Chinese calligraphy and watching soccer matches.
I am actively looking for a Ph.D. position starting in Fall 2025. If you have any relevant information, please feel free to contact me!
- M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCLA.
- B.Eng. in Automation, Tongji University.
- [Oct. 2024] Win the Honorable Mention Award at MobileHCI '24 in Melbourne!
- [Jul. 2024] Join the HCI Research Summer Camp in Chiang Mai. Thrilled to meet many new interesting friends!
- [Jun. 2024] My first paper Medusa3D is accepted to MobileHCI '24. See you in Melbourne!
Medusa3D: The Watchful Eye Freezing Illegitimate Users in Virtual Reality Interactions
Honorable Mention Award
Aochen Jiao*, Di Duan*, and Weitao Xu (* Equal contribution)
ACM MobileHCI 2024 [PDF] [DOI] [Slides] [Cite]
- Reviewer, CHI '25 Late Breaking Work
- [Dec. 2024] Some Personal Reflections on HCI Research [Chinese Version]